Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014


For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I played basketball with my older brother. He was waiting for his friend to come and pick him up and he told me to come outside so we could shoot around. His friend ended up coming late, so my brother and I stayed outside goofing around and trying to see who could make the most shots or who could play the best defense. My brother and I don't always get along or spend time together because he is so busy, so just goofing around and playing basketball with him was a lot of fun. (My feet hurt...I probably shouldn't have played with only socks on.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14, 2014

A Different Challenge

On Monday, I wrote about a squat challenge I was trying, where you "sit" in a squat position for 30 minutes. I wanted to change it up and do a different challenge, so I'm still doing a squat challenge, just a different form. This is an everyday challenge, where you do a certain amount of squats per day. I started with day one, which is 50 squats. I started by doing stretches and basic exercises, and I cooled down the same way. I also took a few small breaks in between squats.
New Squat Challenge!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014

A 30 Minute Workout

Today, I took a day off from the squat challenge. I wanted to do something I was familiar with, so I chose to do a 30 minute workout. I have used this one before. It was nice to do the same one again, because I am familiar with it. I started with some stretches, and I cooled down with stretches as well. I am definitely sore, but I think that is still from the squat challenge yesterday. Of course, I played music while doing my workout today!
Today's workout!

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

Squat Challenge

I wanted to do something a little different this week, so I decided to do a squat challenge. This isn't your typical squat challenge, though. Every day for 30 days, you sit in a relaxed squat position for 30 minutes. I found it extremely difficult today. I am just doing this to challenge myself, and I want to see how far I can honestly get. My legs are so sore, and I know it's going to be worse when I wake up tomorrow. Before I started this, though, I did a few minutes of basic stretches and exercises.

Where I found this idea:

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 9, 2014

Running Through an Alley

On Friday, a couple of other people and I went to Kylie's house. It was so much fun, and I don't remember the last time I ever laughed so hard! Anyway, on to the exercise. A little while after we ate, we decided to go outside. After I finally found my shoes and I went outside with a few other people, Kylie and Natalie started running away as soon as they saw us. We tried to sneak up on them, then we actually chased them. Then, we tried to trick them and we ran to the other side of the alley to jump out at them by the time they got there. Before I knew it, we had been running around Kylie's block and through the alley for a half hour!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 8, 2014

Pump Up

I was going to do my daily exercise outside, but it was so hot! I decided not too because I didn't feel too well and I wasn't in the mood of working out in 90 degree weather. Anyway, I used the "Pump Up" app again. I've used this before, and I have talked about it in previous blog posts. The more you use it, the more advanced it gets. It also plays music off of your phone which is nice. I really like it, but I'm so sore!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014


Today, I went for a walk with my mom. It was so nice out again today. I took my dog with me again, like I did yesterday. There is a trail a few minutes from my house so I walked there and then walked the trail with my mom and dog. I honestly love that trail because even though it's right off a street, I feel like I'm so far away from everything, just surrounded by nature. Also, it's never too crowded because I don't think too many people know about it.