Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014


For my daily 30 minutes of physical activity, I played Kinect Sports, except this time I played by myself. Because my brother beat me in football yesterday when we played, I'm determined to have a rematch and win. Today, I played football the entire time. It honestly is super draining, but fun at the same time because it's a game. To be honest, I'm not always a big fan of workouts and everything, so that's why I love the Kinect because it really is exercise, but it doesn't feel like it (until afterward when you might be a little sore). I think I'll beat my brother when we face off, and I will definitely blog about it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29, 2014

Gloomy Day

Since it was so windy and overcast today, I ruled out doing any outdoor exercises. Instead, I stayed in and played Kinect Sports with my brother. Both of us have been really bust lately, especially with school and my musical, so it was fun to be able to spend a half hour with him. We played football (he won) and a few other sports such as beach volleyball and boxing. The game truly does wear you out, and now I'm ready to shower and go to bed!

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

30 Minute at Home Workout

I wanted to try something new today, so I googled 30 minute workouts and tried to find a few different ones that I have not done all ready. I came across this one and I figured that I would give it a try. It wasn't too bad and it is nice because it does not require any equipment. I actually liked this one a lot. I might do this one again, but I think I am going to take it easy the next few days because I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my leg and it really hurts. I also want to try a workout that you build upon to make it more challenging. 

~ The new workout I found and tried today ~

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014

Tech Week

I forgot to post my gym blogs the week before Easter (oops!), but I was still getting my daily exercise. During spring break, I had tech week for "Legally Blonde: The Musical". I was at school everyday for 9 hours. The show turned out absolutely amazing and I could not be more proud. We all cried after and I have become so close with my cast that it hurts thinking about being apart from them. My exercise for starting off this new week is basically all of tech week and the shows. It is much more than a half hour, but I just feel like this post is a good way to start off fresh in the first week back after break. I am actually very sore right now from all of the dancing in the performances! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014

Going Back to Working Out

To change things up a bit, I did a normal workout today. Nothing too special. I have actually done this workout before, and I have mentioned it in a previous blog post. I really liked this one, so I cranked up the music and began my exercise. I am sore and tired. It was a nice change of pace to do these exercises, though. I put my all into this to get my mind off of things, and it worked. Exercising is actually a great way to calm down and distract yourself. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014


Even though it was a bit cooler today, I was going to go outside to workout. Then, it started snowing! Instead of going outside, I thought that today would be a good day to do something a bit more fun. I played "Just Dance 4" on my Wii. I hadn't played in a while, so I was pretty bad at first. It was a lot of fun and it got me moving!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13, 2014


For my 30 minutes of exercise over the weekend, I went outside and jumped rope. It was beautiful out on Saturday. I figured it would be a good idea to practice building up my endurance, since I have a song and dance to perform onstage in the musical, while jump roping. I was very tired after, but at the same time, I felt energized. I know that jump roping is very good for you, so I think I will start to do that, and more outdoor things, as the weather gets nicer.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10, 2014


Today, I had practice for the musical. Because the stage was set up for the NHS induction tomorrow, we had to go practice upstairs in the choir room. We didn't have a lot of space, but we worked with what we had. We spent a lot of time practicing vocals, but we also reviewed dances. We went over "What You Want" quite a few times, and that is my exercise for today. It's hard to believe how far we have come. When I first learned that dance, I NEVER thought I would actually be able to do it, but here I am! Practice makes perfect, but there are still many other things that need work.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2014

The Day is Coming!

For my daily 30 minutes of exercise, I danced! I had rehearsal, like I do every Wednesday and Thursday, for the spring musical. The show is very soon, and we only have a few practices left! The great thing about this show is that we are working hard, but having fun at the same time. We ran through almost all of Act 1, including songs and dances. We practiced just dancing, too. I am very worn out! I am also working on my dances at home so I can try to perfect them. There are so many numbers in this show, and it is exhausting to run them again and again. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8, 2014


Today, I ran up and down my stairs for 30 minutes. I would start at the base of my basement stairs, run up those, and then run up the stairs to get to the second floor of my house. I did 5 six minute intervals. I would take a small breath in between. I was playing my music while doing this. I am a little sore and really tired! I liked this because it was easy to do at home, and it really energized me!  

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014


For my daily physical activity, I chose to use my "Pump Up" app. I haven't used it in a while, and it's a really nice workout. It customizes workouts based on the age, gender, height, and weight of a person. It starts of slow with some warm-ups. Then, it gets a little more intense, but nothing too difficult. Finally, there are cool-down exercises and stretches. I'm a little sore, but I am happy that I used this app today. I feel good, and I won't have any trouble sleeping tonight!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6, 2014

Practicing "Whipped Into Shape"

For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I went outside and jumped rope. In the upcoming musical, I have a scene where I have to jump rope, dance, and sing. To help my breathing, I've been practicing jumping rope, so I can eventually sing while doing it, too. The weather has been so nice lately, and I love taking advantage of it. I still have a lot more practice to do, but for now, I'm doing okay. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3, 2014

A Great Day

I had drama practice today. Again, I am very tired. It went pretty well today. We reviewed, practiced the dances we don't know as well, and we learned "Take it Like a Man". I am very excited! Everything seems to be coming together nicely, even though we still have a lot of work to do. So, that was my 30 minutes of exercise - dancing (and dancing and dancing until we got it right). 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014

A Tiring Day

I just realized that I only have 6 rehearsals left until the play! That isn't a lot of time, and there are still so many things to get done! We practiced and practiced today, and I can honestly say that I'm proud. Sure, it's not perfect, and there is more to learn, but we are doing great. We have the entire first half pretty much perfected. We ran through the entire show (or what we know) today, including all of the songs and dances. I am extremely tired and sore from all of the dancing, especially from Whipped Into Shape. That is the song with the jump ropes, and it is going to take a lot of practice, but it will look amazing once we get it down!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1, 2014

Enjoying the Weather

Today, like yesterday, I wanted to go outside and enjoy the nice weather. I took my dog for a walk again today. She was really happy, especially because we went for a long walk yesterday and another one today! It was a little windy, but that didn't bother me or my dog. It was so nice to just go for a walk. It's so simple, yet it is a great way to exercise.