Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014

Kinect Sports

For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I played Kinect Sports. I wanted to do something fun, and because I'm still sore from yesterday, I didn't want to do a full-on workout. Kinect Sports is honestly so much fun and I love it! I played beach volleyball for most of the time, and I'm starting to get better at the track and field part of the game (it's cool because in the track and field, they have all kinds of different evens, such as the long jump, 200 m dash, etc.). I really worked up a sweat doing this. Just because it's a game, doesn't mean that it isn't a good workout! 
This is what the Kinect sensor looks like. It doesn't have any kind of controller -- your body is the controller.

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