Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014

Beautiful Day

Today it was absolutely gorgeous out! It was finally warm, and it felt so nice! I wanted to embrace the warm weather before it leaves again (although I hope it doesn't). For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I took my dog for a walk. It was great to be outside and walking again, and my dog loved the extra long walk. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 30, 2014

Spring Dance

Friday, March 28, was Mount Assisi's final spring dance. It was so much fun, and everyone looked really pretty! I went and danced the night away with my friends. The dance is my 30 minutes of physical activity for Friday because I danced and jumped around non-stop for the entire thing. My feet were killing me the next day, and I was exhausted by the end of the night. It was worth it, though because I had a great time!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27, 2014

TV Break

For my daily exercise, I did workouts during commercial breaks. I went down to my basement and cleared the space so there was room for me to workout. I would do things like jumping jacks and push-ups during the commercials, and then when the show would come back on, I would do different kinds of stretches. I did this for a half hour. I really liked doing this because I feel good, I got to watch my show, and exercise all at once!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26, 2014

Whipped Into Shape

We learned a new dance for the musical today. In this dance, there are only 5 girls! It is called "Whipped Into Shape". It is very difficult! The scene takes place in a prison, and the actors are cell mates. We have to jump rope through the entire song. Not only do we have to jump rope, we have to sing while doing it, and we also have to do dance moves along with it. The jump ropes really hurt if you get hit with one (I'm expecting to see a bruise on my arm tomorrow). I really hope that this dance number gets easier with practice, because this is the hardest one I have learned so far. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014

Kinect Sports

For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I played Kinect Sports. I wanted to do something fun, and because I'm still sore from yesterday, I didn't want to do a full-on workout. Kinect Sports is honestly so much fun and I love it! I played beach volleyball for most of the time, and I'm starting to get better at the track and field part of the game (it's cool because in the track and field, they have all kinds of different evens, such as the long jump, 200 m dash, etc.). I really worked up a sweat doing this. Just because it's a game, doesn't mean that it isn't a good workout! 
This is what the Kinect sensor looks like. It doesn't have any kind of controller -- your body is the controller.

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24, 2014

A Tiresome Day

Today I did a Jillian Michael's workout on my Xbox. I have talked about this game before. I can honestly say that I am exhausted! In the game, it times you on how long it takes to complete the course. I kept playing it over and over, so I could try to improve my score. I am also very sore. I feel really good though. I blasted my music, and it felt good to do an actual workout, even though I am sore and tired.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014


Last night my mom told me that she needed to stop at Kohl's to get one thing. I decided I would go with her so we could stop and get dinner too. Well, we ended up spending about an hour in Kohl's ... and that was my fault. As soon as we walked in, we were in the junior's department. I ended up walking around for a while, picking out some really cute things, and then I had to try on the clothes of course! After all that, I walked around the rest of the store with a ton of hangers so my mom could get the one thing we actually went there to get. So, my 30 minutes of physical activity was walking around Kohl's (those clothes and hangers get heavy after a while!). 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20, 2014


There was rehearsal for the musical again today. It wasn't as fun as yesterday. Everyone seemed really tense and to be honest, I think it's because everyone is realizing that the show is in a month and we still have so much to do! I'm really worried. I'm just nervous about everything. I want to get a lot done and work hard, but I want to have fun at the same time. Anyway, today we didn't really do any dancing, we focused more on the singing and going through scenes. I got my physical activity by moving around a lot, jumping around (trying to stay upbeat), and by doing my performances on stage. This is my very first musical - I have never done any theater before. I really hope everything goes well! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014

Legally Blonde...Coming Soon!

The day is coming! The show opens in about a month! Today at rehearsal, we worked a lot more "off the book". We didn't use the script, and we used the CD without the guide vocals. There is still so much to be done! We worked on going over the dances today. We didn't learn a new one yet. I am very tired from all of the dancing! We ran through "Omigod You Guys", "Serious", "What You Want", "Positive", and "Harvard Variations". Slowly, but surely, everything seems to be coming together, but we definitely need more practice. I hope the show turns out great! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014

Yoga (Part 2)

I was feeling really overwhelmed and stressed today, so I figured that a little yoga would relax me. The deep breathing methods used in yoga truly relaxes the body and mind. I used the same routine as I did yesterday. I am going to continue with the beginner moves, and slowly advance. It took my mind off of things, so that was nice. Yoga just makes you feel good. 
I've been working on the "tree" pose.

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014


I wanted to try something new today. I had never really tried yoga, and I thought it could be relaxing and fun. For a while I did the yoga section on the Wii Fit game, and then I searched Google and YouTube for easy yoga poses. I started off very basic. Yoga is very interesting, and very peaceful. I'm not a flexible person, but I didn't feel like I was unable to do it. I feel very refreshed, and I'll definitely be doing yoga again! (Especially when I'm feeling stressed).

These are some of the yoga poses I tried. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14, 2014

30 Minute Music Workout

I did another workout that I found online today. This time, though, I timed it by using music. I would keep track of how long each song was, and then after a certain amount of songs, I knew it had been 30 minutes. I like doing it this way, because it doesn't feel like 30 minutes. The time seems to go by faster when there is music playing. I took small breaks in between each exercise. I feel really good after doing this! 

March 14, 2014

Imagine Dragons Concert

Last night I was lucky enough to see my favorite band in concert! The concert was at 7, but as soon as I got home from school, I had to get ready to leave because I had to go pick my friends up, and then get to the show. It was so much fun and the concert was absolutely amazing! It counts as my 30 minutes of activity because I did a lot of walking, and since it was a concert I danced around a lot! I didn't get home until (about) one in the morning, and then I slept really late today. I know I didn't submit this in time to get credit for my 30 minutes of physical activity, but I still did it! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014

Another Day in a Musical

Since it is Wednesday, I had rehearsal for "Legally Blonde". Like always, we practiced (and practiced and practiced) the dances we have previously learned. The musical is April 25 and 26, so it is coming up really fast! Like I said in a previous blog, our cast works great together! We have so much fun, we can laugh with each other, but we also help each other out. The dances we know are coming together nicely, but we still have more to learn! It is actually fun to rehearse when you know the dance! I can't wait to see how this all comes together! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014

The Great Outdoors

It was actually nice out today, and it wasn't freezing! I wanted to take the opportunity to enjoy the weather, so I did my physical activity for today outside. I first took my dog for a walk. (She really enjoyed the weather, too!) Then, when I got home, I played basketball and just shot around for a while. It felt really good to be able to go outside. I hope the weather gets warmer and nicer soon, so I can go outdoors more! There are so many things that I can do for my exercise, especially outdoors!

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

Romeo and Juliet Diary

I have a project due tomorrow in English. We just finished reading Romeo and Juliet, and throughout the play, we wrote diary entries from our chosen character's perspective. My 30 minutes of physical activity ties in with this because while I was working on making the diary, I was up and moving around. I ran up and down the stairs a lot, so I could get the things I printed. I played music so I was dancing along too. Multitasking can really help get things done! I'm really proud of the final turnout of the project!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9, 2014

At Home Circuit Workout

While I was on Pinterest today, I found another workout that I could do. I read over it, and thought I would give it a try. It wasn't too bad and I felt really good after doing it. It was fun and easy, so I'll definitely be doing this one again!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6, 2014

Fitness Adventure

Today, I played Jillian Michaels Fitness Adventure again. Like I said in a previous blog post, this is a great game and a great workout! I am actually really sore from it, because I played for a while. I also learned new stretches and exercises that I had never done until today. I would say that I accomplished a lot today, and I'm proud.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014

Review for the Show

Today, I had practice for "Legally Blonde: The Musical". We spent all of today reviewing and learning to perfect the dance numbers we have already learned. I think everyone is doing great, and we all work together and help each other out. Even though we are doing good, there is still a lot to be done! The musical is coming up; it is April 25 and 26. I'm really nervous, and I hope we have perfected everything by the then! But the important thing now is we are working hard, trying our best, and having fun! It is a musical after all!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4, 2014

Another 30 Minute Workout

I found another workout online, and I really like it. It worked so many parts of my body, and even though I'm just a little sore, it felt good. I did this for a half hour. I think I might use this workout again. I feel a lot stronger and more refreshed. And of course, I listened to music while working out!

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014

Kinect Sports: Season 2

Today, I played Kinect Sports: Season 2 on the Xbox. There are many different things to do on there. Some of the sports I played were football, tennis, and golf. It has a calorie counter too, so after my 30 minutes, I was able to see how many calories I had burned! I really like playing this game because it's fun and it's a great source of physical activity. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

Swimming in Winter

Yesterday, March 1, was my friend Molly's 15th birthday! She invited me, Jasmine, and my friend Amanda to go with her to a hotel! I was so excited! As soon as we got there, we went swimming right away (In an indoor pool, of course!). It was so much fun! This winter has been so long, and it was nice to be in water and go swimming. We swam around for a long time, and after, my legs were kind of sore! It was a lot of fun, and I can't wait until summer when I can swim all of the time!