Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014

Jillian Michael's Fitness Adventure

In previous blogs, I have talked about how much I enjoy using the Kinect feature for the Xbox because your body is the controller. Today, I found a game for the Kinect that I forgot I had. It's called Jillian Michael's Fitness Adventure. It's a really good game and it's a great workout, too! You go into this course, with dangers and traps all around you, and to avoid them you have to do the exercise the screen shows. It shows you how to properly do the exercises and there are separate warm-up and cool-down routines. I'm really glad I found out I had this, because I will probably be playing this game often!
The Jillian Michael's game...It's such a great workout!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014

Homework Break 

So today, I had to take notes for biology for homework. Well, the section just happened to be like 12 pages long with a lot of information, so I would write a section, workout for 5 minutes, write a section, workout, and so on. I did this so I could take a break from biology and so I wouldn't get so overwhelmed by the amount of work I had to do. It actually helped me a lot, and soon enough, I had done my physical activity and my biology notes were complete! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014

For Those Who Get Bored Easily...

For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I found a workout online. It's called "30 Minute Workout For Those Who Get Bored Easily". It was a great workout, but very tiring! The nice thing about this workout is it works different parts of your body. It was a body strength and cardio workout, but I feel like those are two areas where I probably needed to workout more anyway. I also liked that I got to choose doing an exercise that I was comfortable with for each section, although I usually just did the examples/suggested exercises listed. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

10 Minute Circuit

Today for my workout, I used a ten minute circuit I found online, and then I did the circuit 3 times, since I need 30 minutes of physical activity. It wasn't too difficult, and I played music while doing the workout.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23, 2014

Commercial Break

Because I didn't do a workout on Friday, I did one today instead. I like to relax on Sundays so what I did is while I was watching TV, every time the show went to a commercial break, I would get up and do some basic exercises. During the first commercial break I did squats the entire time, jumping jacks during the second commercial break, and so on. Before I knew it, I had my 30 minutes of physical activity and I got to watch TV!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014

More Dancing...

For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I practiced some of the dances from the musical. I didn't have rehearsal today, but I thought it would be a good idea to work on them at home. The dances are slowly, but surely, getting easier. I focused a lot on "What You Want", since it's such a long song, and parts of the dance are very fast-paced. I'm really proud of myself for getting involved in the musical in the first place, and I'm really enjoying it. And anyways, if I mess up, I can just laugh at myself and keep trying! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014

Legally Blonde Rehearsal

Because today is Wednesday, I had dance rehearsal for the musical. I love drama club and I love doing this musical. I've really come out of my shell, and now I love going to rehearsal! It's a great group of girls, and we always have fun. We spent today's rehearsal just reviewing dances, and adding even more onto "What You Want". The dance is getting a little bit easier the more we practice and review it. Everything seems to slowly be coming together, but we still have a lot of dances to learn! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

Queen of Peace Open House

Today at 6:30, Queen of Peace high school hosted an open house just for Mount Assisi families. This counts towards my 30 minutes of physical activity because we went on a tour of the school for over a half hour. We walked around and got to see all of the different classrooms and everything. 
February 18, 2014

Gym Project

Yesterday, on Monday, February 17, my 30 minutes of physical activity was actually for gym class. I was working on the group project. I put on some music, got up, and got moving around. I attempted to practice some of the skills, and I would take a break from working by doing some sit-ups and jumping jacks.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16, 2014

Princess Ball

On Saturday, February 15, Mount Assisi hosted a Princess Ball. I got there at 10:40, and the ball started at 2. During that time, I was helping set up and decorating the gym. I was running around, blowing up balloons, hanging streamers, etc. The gym looked adorable, and all of the kids really seemed to enjoy themselves! It was actually a lot of fun setting up and working it.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014

Enjoying the Activity 

Today, I didn't really want to do a workout. I wanted to have fun with my physical activity, so I played with my dog. She loves the snow, so for a half hour, I went outside with her. I chased her around, played fetch, and just enjoyed playing with my dog. Luckily it wasn't too cold out today! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Legally Blonde

Today I had dance rehearsal for the musical! Now that we've been working on the dances for a while, I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. Today, we just reviewed the dances we learned already, and we learned a few new parts to "What You Want". "What You Want" is a very long song, and probably one of the most complicated dances in the entire musical! It's really hard, but it's getting there. I was really energized today and I had a lot that I wanted to get off of my mind so I fully went into this, and it was fun. Just enjoy what you have. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

Track and Field

For my 30 minutes of physical activity, I played the Xbox. In previous blogs, I have talked about a game called Kinect Sports, and how much I enjoy using the Kinect to get my exercise because it's so fun and it doesn't feel like you're exercising. Anyway, today I spent the entire time playing track and field, and it was so fun! There were many "activities" in track and field. Some of these activities include, running, disc throw, javelin throw, jumping over hurdles, etc. It was a great workout, and I had fun today! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014

Shooting Hoops

In gym class, we are going to be starting basketball. In honor of that, I thought that for my physical activity for today, I would play basketball. (Not's too cold!) Attached to the back of my door, I have one of those mini basketball hoops that comes with a little basketball. I just goofed around and played a game with my brother.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014

Homework Exercise

I took Friday off because when I got home from school, I wasn't feeling well again. Because I missed school on Thursday, I had a lot of work to make up -- that's where the blog comes in. I didn't want to get too overwhelmed with my make up work and my regular work, so every 10 or 15 minutes, I would exercise for 5 minutes. Before I knew it, I had my 30 minutes for the blog. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

Not an Exciting Day...

Today I was home sick with a 102 degree fever, so as you can probably imagine I wasn't feeling very good, so doing exercise for the blog was pretty difficult. I realize this might sound silly, but my exercise for today was walking up and down the stairs. I didn't do it all at once, but I do know I spent a half hour walking up and down the stairs. Sometimes I would get up and just walk up and down the stairs a few times so I could get the exercise for my blog. It wasn't a very exciting day today, but it's hard to do exercise when you don't feel good. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5, 2014


I had dance rehearsal for "Legally Blonde: The Musical" today. We reviewed all of the dances we've learned so far. Dancing is a great workout, because you're up and moving around. Some of the dances are pretty hard, but maybe that's just because I have no dance experience. It's a lot of fun though, and the choreographer is great. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014


With all of the expected snow, I decided that I would help my brother shovel today. I wasn't out there more than 45 minutes, but it was cold with the wind! My brother is a lot stronger than I am, so I would shovel the snow out of the way and let him toss it to the side (Snow gets heavy!). Nothing too exciting today, but hey, physical activity is what it is. Hopefully there won't be too much more snow, because shoveling takes a lot out of you!

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

It's Cold Outside!

Today, there was a candle light vigil to save MAA, and I had the honor of speaking at it. It didn't last too long, but it was beautiful. It was super cold outside, and even though I was wearing gloves and everything, I couldn't feel my hands or my feet. When I got home, I started jogging in place and doing jumping jacks to warm up. After about 15 minutes, I decided I would just keep going with some other exercises and use that as my blog for today, so here it is! 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2, 2014


Since I didn't post anything on Friday, I decided that I would do a workout today. In my last post, I talked about an app called "Pump Up". I used that for today's workout. A few of my warm-up exercises included upper body twists, standing hamstring stretches, and spiderman lunges. Some of the strength training exercises were prisoner squats, push ups, and glute bridges. I also did conditioning exercises, and then finally cool-down exercises. It's great because I created the workout based on my height, weight, where I was, and expertise level, so it was made for me.